Smell of the war?
Amid threats of Syria strike
Without maintaining the shameful
results of the " war of 1973 with Israel"
that caused not to his country only but to
the whole Muslim world ,
ASSAD says:
י״ח בְּאֱלוּל תשע״ג
SHABAT 18th of Elul, 5773 SatUrday, 24 August 2013
י״ח בְּאֱלוּל תשע״ג
- SHABAT 18th of Elul, 5773
- SatUrday, 24 August 2013
Offering of the First Fruits (בִּכּוּרִים,
bikkurim) (illustration from a Bible card
published between 1896 and 1913 by
the Providence Lithograph Company)