Weekly TORAH Portion

And when Moses came into the Tent of
Meeting to speak with Him, he would hear the voice being spoken to him from above the covering that is over the Ark of the Covenant, from behind the two cherubim, and He would speak to him” (Numbers 7:89
عید نوبرانه ها ، عید عروس نمونه در تورا * روت همواویا * و عید هفته ها انتظار برای دریافت توراة مقدس ، عید شاووعوت ، بر همگان مبارک
Shavuot: The Secret of Inspiration by Charles Harary Why did God wait 49 days before giving the Torah? |
Shavuot: Nexus between Man and God How Shavuot and its parallel facets of meaning represent the intertwining of God's omnipotence with man's free will. |
Too Much Work Is the goal of life not to experience pain? |
Counting Up by Rabbi Dr. Daniel P. Aldrich Moving step by step towards Shavuot. |
Five Thousand Prayers by Kiki As my brother lays in a coma, I gain hope from the blink of his eyes. |
Work and Human Dignity by Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks Why the highest form of tzedakah is helping someone find a job. |
The Path to Sinai The three prerequisites to receiving the Torah: diligence, humility and unity. |
Dairy Delights: A Simply Delicious Shavuot Celebrate the holiday with this delectable menu. |
Homeless and Stateless: Miracle of Israel #5 The survivors' desperate attempts to locate lost relatives. |
The Book of Ruth: A Crash Course Mother of royalty, paradigm of humility and generosity. |


Hezbollah, Iran plotted bombing of Israel embassy in Azerbaijan
'Los Angeles Times: Two Lebanese, four Azeris linked to plot
were charged with terrorism, espionage

Spanish prosecutor targets alleged Nazis in US
Israel joins Anti-Bribery Convention
US: Israel 'spy' spared prison
Terrorist flees to Lebanon, FBI confirms
Iran: Gunmen wound 3 at president's campaign
Israel rejects US call over settlement work
Egypt's Unesco hopeful in book burning row
Israeli commandos kill senior Hamas militant near Hebron
Tel Aviv parties until dawn at annual 'White Night' event
U.S. men get 65-year terms for funneling millions to Hamas
What does a Jewish-Kashmiri dialogue group have to talk about?

Obama adds Saudi Arabia to Mid-East agenda


رباعي انتخاباتي خورسندی
در باره انتخاب مبادا مجدد

انتخاب عکس - تنه نزن
فرستنده داریوش ستاره
الا ای شيخ جويای بکارت
به لای پای دخترها چه کارت؟
تو فرمودی بکارت ها که پاره-ست
دقيقاً درصدش هفتاد و چارست
ببينم از کجا آوردی آمار؟
ز جمع آشنايان يا ز اغيار؟
ההתנתקות של בתי הדין הרבניים / טור
"בתי הדין נשלטים כיום על ידי דיינים שברובם אינם ציוניים והם חסרי נכונות לפעול למציאת פתרון הלכתי בסוגיית הגיור. התוצאה - רשימות שחורות של פסולי חיתון ויצירת שני עמים". במוצאי חג השבועות, ד"ר עליזה לביא, קוראת לכולנו ללמוד ממגילת רות - ולהתעשת