دوشنبه ۳۰ آوریل ۲۰۱۲
اخرین شماره تنه نزن تا تاریخ ۳۰ اوریل ۲۰۱۲
هالوکاست، جان باختگان اسرائیلی در دفاع از کشور،
۶۴ سالگی استقلال
ویژه تنه نزن SPECIAL
Holocaust / Gas chambers
هولوکاست / یاداوری اطاقهای گاز
۵۷۷۲ - ۲۰۱۲
An exhibition about the covert Israeli operation
to capture Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann
in 1960 keeps on revealing new secrets.
امسال از غروب روز ۱۸ اپریل
تا غروب روز ۱۹ اپریل خواهد بود
یادداشت، داوید فاخری
با اینکه بزرگترین اسیبها در زمان جنگ دوم جهانی توسط نازیهای المانی که نژاد خود را نسبت به نژاد دیگر ملتها به ویژه یهودیان اروپا برتر میدانستند و به این دلیل « ذلیلانه » از هر ۳ یهودی اروپائی ۲ نفر به دست انان به قربانگاه های « اشویتس، داخائو و غیره فرستاده شدند تا از به قتل رساندن بچه های شیرخواره گرفته تا سالمندان انان رقم کشتار دسته جمعی را به ۶ میلیون برسانند و ان را به بزرگترین « نسل کشی » که تاکنون تاریخ به یاد دارد تبدیل سازند ولی با این وجود اسیب دیدگانی از جانب انان مانند « کولیها ، مغولها ، همجنس گرایان ، کمونیستها ، دگر انیشان و غیره » نیز وجود داشته اند که ما یهودیان اسیب دیده و انسانهای خوب دیگر در جهان نمیتوانیم مشقتهائي نیز که بر انان وارد شده را فراموش کنیم ادامه
Israel has won ten Nobel Prizes
in all areas so far
کشور اسرائیل در ۶۴ سال عمر کوتاه و مجدد خود که در سرزمین پدری و مادری ان بنا گردیده است شهروندان شایسته ان نیز توانسته اند در کنار جوائز بی شمار بین المللی که در رشته های علمی ، تحقیقاتی ، پزشکی و تکنولوزی و هنرهای مختلف کسب نمایند همچنین موفق به دریافت ۱۰ جایزه * نوبل * در زمینه های گوناگون نیز شده باشند
I the past 63 years A total of 22993 men and women have been killed in the wars with the enemies of the state or by, Terrorists attacks or in Military Exercises in order to defend the jewish state of israel
روز بزرگداشت از زنان و مردان و کودکانی که از بدو برپائی مجدد سرزمین امنی برای یهودیان، کشور * اسرائیل * در پی جنگهای اجباری و یا در عملیات تروریستی گروه های ناجوانمرد اسلامی و یا در حین تمرینات دظامی جان خود را برای سرفرازی ان بر سر راه وطن نهاده اند.
Missions around the
world celebrate
Israel's independence
hosts to dine in luxurious hotel in Moscow, prepare falafel in New Delhi and drink Israeli wine in New Zealand. Jewish community in Toulouse tries to make transition from mourning to celebrations
Toronto-based newspaper highlights Israel's contribution to technology, urges Jewish state to 'recognize significance of non-Arab Pakistanis and Ajmi Muslims'
'Weekly Press Pakistan' wishes Israel happy birthday
Toronto-based newspaper highlights Israel's contribution to technology, urges Jewish state to 'recognize significance of non-Arab Pakistanis and Ajmi Muslims'
"Anyone who denies the existence of Israel, actually denies his own existence," according to a special article published by Toronto-based Weekly Press Pakistan on Tuesday, ahead of the Jewish state's 64th Independence Day.
The article, which was published in the Urdu language on the Toronto-based newspaper's website, was distributed through a popular journalists' forum on Google and included a video clip titled: "What does Made in Israel mean to you?"
64 years have passed, but unfortunately here anesthetized, greedy, money worship, task killer, innocent children and girls raped and later murdered by the secret of the wild wild. where merit disqualification, morals fatuity,

msdaq stake Decorated with a unique idea of Zionism was abused. Book under an organized plan and with whom marriage is permissible to eat, drink, prapygyndh offensive was launched against the hate. dual Arab-backed communists Islam and disbelief nysnlzm kyalmbrdar Palestinian territorial issue, making it a battle lost is equal to all the laws of nature. true and false shame to say it is above any religion, whether it be from the. name of so-called Muslims, but Lord of all worlds. course nafrmanyan Israel in the past, there have been, they are also imposing slavery years, strayed from the path was straight, but they also were unlawfully killed Jews and their lessons learned handled. Jewish leaders around the world gathered drbdr particles particles, the re-establishment of an independent state's quest to create a peaceful, thanks to a world whose horizons have everlasting vision of state in Israel has succeeded in becoming a beaming sun . became a source of strength and power. innovation is the innovation. Development braq flight destination is like. Israelis surprised the world is hard work and intelligence. Israel at all times committed to serve humanity. Israel Today brotherhood and camaraderie based on a multi-cultural society is offering a view of the example is impossible to meet. relief aid services from a mental institution Isra blind can deny it. Save A Child program for children in Israel pyundkary heart of the magnificent feat is being conducted by the Arab Muslim countries are benefiting from the existence of Israel has ruled. source of knowledge and wisdom are raging. bthlaty entire developed world is on srankhun and so-called Muslim leaders are also being forced to drprdh confidential relationship.
Pakistanis, the Arabs against Israel to win the heart of what debauchee not maintained? Blajuaz spread hatred against Israel at the UN, the Arab-Israeli war, Israeli aircraft dropped off, the Israeli cricket team opposed membership in the ICC, Israeli flags were burned, etc., etc. But Israel's highest tribute to the Israeli leadership zrfy ever their enemies in Pakistan did not think that is an utter lie, lie that the Israelis are opposed to Pakistan. China and seas higher than the Himalayas from Pakistan friendship is deep, strategic partner of Israel Today is.

Local religious groups be considered hate politics that had previously opposed the establishment of Pakistan, the Saudi Riyal to raise money and Iranian hostility to Israel have been bound at the waist. Country occupying foreign aid Surviving Class Elite Class, can not see the peaceful face of Israel, can not receive scholarships for higher education in Israeli universities, do not walk in step with the developed world, can not understand the attitude of Israel and the Arab media hate propaganda offensive on the news broadcast Find.
Today, April 25, Israel 64 th anniversary of Israelis deeply wish to produce severe injustice will. Today Israelis following YouTube video to see the innovations we rightly asking how long sma bkm will be a cousin? But Israel does not have eyes to see? Do you have ears but do not hear the echo of Israel's actions? But I do not understand the reality of Israel? Pakistan has to stay long ostrich? Open your eyes. Come to your senses. Say goodbye to all kinds of hatreds. Do not waste more time, to sincerely accept Israel, the Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi kings occupy their business in order to polish the titles do not forget to first. Israel Aqsa Mosque and other sacred places of pilgrimage for all Muslims, including Pakistanis welcomed incoming calls.
Pakistan intelligent people holding hands on the planet will contribute to peace-making hub. hope that Israel should be a distinction between foreign Muslims and Arab Muslims and the media will not get a day-to-Media Dialogue will develop. Happy Birthday to Israel Day.
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