Weekly Report From Sat. October. 10th. .. 2015

تنـــــه   نـــــزن           טאנה  נאזאן     Tanehnazan

Editor David Fakheri
سردبیر داوید فاخری
עורך דוד פאחרי

    For the important News of the world
    ( in English, Farsi and Hebrew )
    Please visit us every day
    at Facebook under the
    editor's name
    ( David Fakheri داوید فاخری )

    חברים יקרים

    בשל בעיות טכניות וחוסר

    צוות נאות, האתר יהיה

    סגור עד להודעה חדשה

    دوستان عزیز

    به علت نقص فنی و همچنین

    کمبود کادر لازم،

    سایت تا ا اطلاع ثانوی

    تعطیل خواهد بود

    Dear Friends

    Due to technical problems

    and lack of adequate

    staff, The SITE will be

    closed until further notice

    Saturday, October 25, 2014

    Taneh Nazan Up To 10 25th 2014

    تنـــــه   نـــــزن           טאנה  נאזאן     Tanehnazan

    ایا * معنی * این عکس را میفهمیم؟

    به روز شده
    دوازده و بیست و پنج نیمه شب،
    به افق ایران اشغالی


    Martin Bartesch, a former SS guard (Photo: AP)
    Martin Bartesch, a former SS guard
    Martin Hartmann, a former SS guard at the Sachsenhausen camp in German (Photo:AP)
    Martin Hartmann, a former SS guard at
    the Sachsenhausen camp in German

    IsraAID workers distributing aid (Photo: Courtesy of IsraAID)
    IsraAID workers distributing aid
    Israeli aid workers distributing mattresses to Yazidi and Christian refugees who escaped Kobani (Photo: IsraAID)
    Israeli aid workers distributing mattresses toYazidi and Christian
    refugees who escaped Kobani

    Worth Reading


    12.52p, La USA

    Henry Friedman goes back to school (Photo: KING 5 screen shot)
    Henry Friedman goes back to school

    .... مش قاسم چرا نمیفهمی ؟ مگه نمیبینی که
    این انگلیسیای بدجنس دو رو و دو رنگ واسه اینکه دکون
    ما رو تخته کرده باشن همچین داعشی رو به پا کردن

    که از خود ما هم هزار پله بدترن

    Sorry that this very important
    subject is prepared only in Farsi.
    Please have somebody explain its
    content to you, which is about The
    New Wave Of Anti-semitism in
    Islamic republic of Iran
    . And Please Send This Article to
    As many People as You
    Know ( Jewish Or Muslim ) all
    Best regards,
    David Fakheri

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