Weekly Report From Sat. October. 10th. .. 2015

تنـــــه   نـــــزن           טאנה  נאזאן     Tanehnazan

Editor David Fakheri
سردبیر داوید فاخری
עורך דוד פאחרי

    For the important News of the world
    ( in English, Farsi and Hebrew )
    Please visit us every day
    at Facebook under the
    editor's name
    ( David Fakheri داوید فاخری )

    חברים יקרים

    בשל בעיות טכניות וחוסר

    צוות נאות, האתר יהיה

    סגור עד להודעה חדשה

    دوستان عزیز

    به علت نقص فنی و همچنین

    کمبود کادر لازم،

    سایت تا ا اطلاع ثانوی

    تعطیل خواهد بود

    Dear Friends

    Due to technical problems

    and lack of adequate

    staff, The SITE will be

    closed until further notice

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    A comment from London ! کامنتــــــی از لنـــــــدن

    Holocaust Denier ! free speech !! at Oxford university ?!.
    The following informative comment has been send to us
    from London in connection with the above article which
    has been posted in our site "October 13 / 2007 " !.
    " The Court ruling was in April 2000 ---- not 1998.
    We are campaigning aginst this appearance by Irving
    in November 2007. I'm sure we will win."
    From London. Regards."

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